Indesinenter — incessantment — ceaselessly

Indesinenter (Salvador Espriu).


Nosaltres sabíem 
d’un únic senyor
i vèiem com

Envilit pel ventre,
per l’afalac al ventre,
per la por,
s’ajup sota el fuet
amb foll oblit
de la raó
que té.

Arnat, menjat
de plagues,
sense parar llepava
l’aspra mà
que l’ha fermat
des de tant temps
al fang.

Li hauria estat
senzill de fer
del seu silenci mur
impenetrable, altíssim:
va triar
la gran vergonya mansa
dels lladrucs.

Mai no hem pogut,
però, desesperar
del vell vençut
i elevem en la nit
un cant a crits,
car les paraules vessen
de sentit.

L’aigua, la terra,
l’aire, el foc
són seus,
si s’arrisca d’un cop
a ser qui és.

Caldrà que digui
de seguida prou,
que vulgui ara
caminar de nou,
alçat, sense repòs,
per sempre més
home salvat en poble,
contra el vent.

Salvat en poble,
ja l’amo de tot,
no gos mesell,
sinó l’únic senyor.

We used to know
one master alone,
we then saw her
grow into

Wretched by her gut,
praised for her gut,
out of fear she
yields to the leash,
foolishly oblivious
that her right
still stands.

Waning and
she'll keep licking
the harsh hand
that has kept her
for so long

It was once possible
to turn this silence
into a wall,
impregnable and secure.
We witness now
her muted shame:
only growls.

It was not possible,
though, to desist
after this loss,
as we cry into the night
a raging song
against the dying
of our wish.

All water, land,
skies, and fire
we'll be again free
to roam — if she dares
to speak her name.

She must say
«enough!» at once,
and to rise again
she must vow.

A restless stand
that’ll save her
and ourselves
from the tide.

Saved as a whole,
free from all bounds,
no more a timid dog
our own master at last.